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Earn Over

$1 Million/Year

in SaaS Sales

Earn Over

$1 Million

A Year In

SaaS Sales

The exact system I've used to go from earning $200K to over $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out.

The exact system I've used to go from earning $200K to over $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out. Plus, annual access to Make More Hustle Less Club and a 1:1 coaching session to put it into practice.

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Earn Over

$1 Million/Year

in SaaS Sales

Earn Over

$1 Million

A Year In

SaaS Sales

The exact system I've used to go from earning $200K to over $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out. Plus, annual access to Make More Hustle Less Club and a 1:1 coaching session to put it into practice.

The exact system I've used to go from earning $200K to over $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out.

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Bold Claim, Bold Proof

HERE'S MY W-2 (2021)

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The Make More Hustle Less Promise

Hi, my name is Brandon Fluharty, and I've sold SaaS to the world’s largest brands.

In 2019, I joined the 7-Figure Annual Earners Club for the first time. Since then, I did it three years in a row before retiring from corporate selling in 2022.

In this program, I will show you how you can do it too.

The steps I provide are not guaranteed to increase your earnings by over a million dollars a year, but if you follow them, you will be in a better position to do so.

It took me over 13 years in my sales career to earn seven figures in a single year. It may take you longer.

However, with 7 Steps to 7 Figures (Basic) + The Make More Hustle Less Club (Intermediate) + 1:1 Coaching (Pro), you can get there sooner. Regardless, every step in this system is designed to give you more clarity, confidence, and conviction as a seller without constantly grinding at all hours.

In the Basic Option, I deconstruct this all in an ebook-based program containing the 7 steps I used to become a prolific seven-figure dealmaker and a million-dollar earner.

You can access The Make More Hustle Less Club when you choose the Intermediate Option.

It includes 25+ hours of additional on-demand content, such as interactive interviews with my mindset coach to overcome imposter syndrome, a Fortune 10 VP who walks you through how to enable a transformation at a large company, experts helping you craft a narrative business case, how to lead a transformation design session with C-Level executives, and much more.

Plus, you join a unique community that will help you start closing your first seven-figure deal in less than nine months while giving you the skills to earn over $1M/year systematically without burning yourself out.

With the Pro Option, I help jumpstart your journey with a private 1:1 coaching session and advise you on how best to navigate your journey to becoming a 7 Figure Seller.

When this is all implemented correctly, your work starts to feel like a fun game you get to play every day.

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"I signed up for Make More Hustle Less Club and downloaded 7 Steps to 7 Figures back in July. Today I closed my first ever 7 figure deal worth 45% of my entire annual quota. It took 16 colleagues working with me to achieve and we've confirmed budget with customer for a similar size deal in next fiscal year.... Not a chance I'm closing that deal without signing up for MMHL / 7 Steps. Keep doing what you're doing B - it's helping us!"

Donal Treacy

Account Executive at Salesforce

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I signed up for Make More Hustle Less Club and downloaded 7 Steps to 7 Figures back in July. Today I closed my first ever 7 figure deal worth 45% of my entire annual quota. It took 16 colleagues working with me to achieve and we've confirmed budget with customer for a similar size deal in next fiscal year.... Not a chance I'm closing that deal without signing up for MMHL / 7 Steps. Keep doing what you're doing B - it's helping us!

Donal Treacy, Account Executive at Salesforce

Bold Claim, Bold Proof

HERE'S MY W-2 (2021)

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The Make More Hustle Less Promise

Hi, my name is Brandon Fluharty, and I've sold SaaS to the world’s largest brands.

In 2019, I joined the 7 Figure Annual Earners Club for the first time. Since then, I was able to do it 3 years in a row before retiring from corporate selling in 2022.

In this program, I'm going to show you how you can do it too.

The steps I provide are not guaranteed to make you over a million dollars a year in sales, but if you follow them, you are guaranteed to put yourself in a better position to do so.

It took me over 13 years in my sales career to earn seven figures in a single year. It may take you longer.

With 7 Steps to 7 Figures (Basic) + The Make More Hustle Less Club (Intermediate) + 1:1 Coaching (Pro), however, you can get there sooner.

Regardless, every step in this system is designed to bring you more clarity, confidence, and conviction as a seller without constantly grinding at all hours.

In the Basic Option, I deconstruct this all in an ebook-based program containing the 7 steps I used to become a prolific 7 figure dealmaker and a million dollar earner.

When you choose the Intermediate Option, you also get access to The Make More Hustle Less Club.

It includes 16+ hours of additional on-demand content - like interactive interviews with my mindset coach to overcome imposter syndrome, a Fortune 10 VP who walks you through how to enable a transformation at a large company, experts helping you craft narrative memos and lead a transformation design session with executives, and much more.

Plus you join a special community to help you start closing your first 7 figure deal in less than 9 months while giving you the skills to systematically earn over $1M/year without burning yourself out.

With the Pro Option, I help jumpstart your journey with a private 1:1 coaching session and advise you on how best to navigate your journey to becoming a 7 Figure Seller.

When this is all implemented correctly, your work starts to feel like a fun game you get to play every day.

Your Image

I signed up for Make More Hustle Less Club and downloaded 7 Steps to 7 Figures back in July. Today I closed my first ever 7 figure deal worth 45% of my entire annual quota. It took 16 colleagues working with me to achieve and we've confirmed budget with customer for a similar size deal in next fiscal year.... Not a chance I'm closing that deal without signing up for MMHL / 7 Steps. Keep doing what you're doing B - it's helping us!

Donal Treacy, Account Executive at Salesforce

"I signed up for Make More Hustle Less Club and downloaded 7 Steps to 7 Figures back in July. Today I closed my first ever 7 figure deal worth 45% of my entire annual quota. It took 16 colleagues working with me to achieve and we've confirmed budget with customer for a similar size deal in next fiscal year.... Not a chance I'm closing that deal without signing up for MMHL / 7 Steps. Keep doing what you're doing B - it's helping us!"

Donal Treacy

Account Executive at Salesforce

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7 Steps to 7 Figures Has Helped 3,000 Sellers Make $150,000,000 In Additional Commisions...

All While Finding More Meaning In Their Work

And Harmony In Their Life

What’s Included With

7 Steps to 7 Figures

74 page ebook that comes in (PDF)

7 detailed and easy-to-follow action plans

The 7 Figure Earner Calculator

4 printable workbooks

My personal recommended books, coaches, and tools

1:1 access to me via my texting community to hold yourself accountable

Receive 1 system every Wednesday deconstructing the OS of the 7 figure performer

What’s Included With

7 Steps to 7 Figures

74 page ebook that comes in (PDF)

7 detailed and easy-to-follow action plans

The 7 Figure Earner Calculator

4 printable workbooks

My personal recommended books, coaches, and tools

1:1 access to me via my texting community to hold yourself accountable

Receive 1 system every Wednesday deconstructing the OS of the 7 figure performer

Show Me What's Inside


Get in the Right Environment to Close Huge Deals

Learn how to put yourself in a 7 figure earning environment

Calculate clearly what an hour of your time is worth

Develop your 7 figure earner identity statement

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Be Super Strategic About Your Ideal Target Account List

Become more intentional about defining your ideal account list

Identify and prioritize your Diamond Accounts

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"You may aspire to earn 7 figures, yet as Brandon clearly lays out in this system, it requires a clear set of operating principles, planning and discipline to put yourself in position to make that happen. Find yourself a situation with a company that's invested in your success, then apply Brandon's lessons. Good things will happen.

Andy Paul

Author, Sell Without Selling Out

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You may aspire to earn 7 figures, yet as Brandon clearly lays out in this system, it requires a clear set of operating principles, planning and discipline to put yourself in position to make that happen. Find yourself a situation with a company that's invested in your success, then apply Brandon's lessons. Good things will happen.



Break Through Perceived Personal Limitations

Understand imposter syndrome as a healthy sign

Repurpose your “weaknesses” as your sales superpowers

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Create a Standard No One Else Delivers

Understand your prospects’ challenges better than they do

Prepare yourself to authentically answer “why you?”

Learn how to deliver the Diamond Standard

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"7 Steps to 7 Figures is a perfect blend of interactive workbooks, data-backed techniques and insights from Brandon's own life. This was a great read and I found myself excited to work through the challenges that were posed at the end of each step. While this book is designed for 7-figure sellers (or 6-figure sellers on the way to 7), I would also suggest it to a year 1 SDR to start preparing their mind and strategy for long-term success."

Leslie Venetz
VP, Digital Reach Online Solutions
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7 Steps to 7 Figures is a perfect blend of interactive workbooks, data-backed techniques and insights from Brandon's own life. This was a great read and I found myself excited to work through the challenges that were posed at the end of each step. While this book is designed for 7-figure sellers (or 6-figure sellers on the way to 7), I would also suggest it to a year 1 SDR to start preparing their mind and strategy for long-term success.

Leslie Venetz, VP, Digital Reach Online Solutions


Build a Transformation Mindset

Ditch the scarcity mindset in favor of an abundance mindset

Get past the three reasons sellers don’t sell transformations today

Accelerate selling transformations using two very simple strategies

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Rally Others to Close Deals With You

Learn how to trust and rely on others to boost commissions

Understand how to get others involved and how to reward them

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Develop Your Own Personal Operating System

Understand what TEMPR, DFC, and PREP are and how they work

Develop frameworks and mental models to sustain elite performance

Learn how to prioritize your health to sell more and get things done faster

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About The

Make More Hustle Less Club

MMHL Club is an annual subscription to a Knowledge-as-a-Service hub and community of revenue generators focused on helping you become a Purposeful Performer™.

We use design and systems thinking to take care of the most important asset of your career - YOU.

Turn insights into inspiration, inspiration into intention, intention into impact, impact into income, and income into independence.

This flywheel takes developing a solid personal operating system designed around MAP:

‣‣ (M) MINDSET: Upgrade how you think

‣‣ (A) ACTIONS: Improve how you operate

‣‣ (P) PROGRESS: Measure your performance

The natural outcome?

Calmly and confidently know what to do, why to do it, and when to do it, all while enjoying the process. No stress or high degree of sacrifice is required.

This is the path of The Purposeful Performer.

Receive access to a private hub page with a library of resources, past recordings, bonus material and workshops, a link to our private LinkedIn group, and a calendar invite to join the live monthly group coaching sessions.

You can also access a special link to schedule 1:1 recurring private coaching sessions with me at a deep discount to my normal rate ($300 vs $1,250 per hour).

We don’t just focus on helping you sell better, but give you the skills to design a more intentional life as a top performer so you can ditch the corporate hustle for good.

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Annual subscription to The Make More Hustle Less Club

Access to The Personal Operating System Blueprint

Access to Thrive Space (personal performance habit tracker)

Access to the private community group on LinkedIn

Access to over 16 hours of recorded content and bonus material

1 60 minute group coaching call every month (all sessions are recorded)

Access to 1:1 coaching with me at a deeply discounted rate ($300/hour instead of the normal $1,250/hour rate)

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1:1 Coaching

Jumpstart your efforts with a 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with me to help you hit the ground running with 7 Steps to 7 Figures and set up your personal 7 Figure Selling Operating System.

We’ll also determine if working together on a recurring basis is a right fit - again, all Make More Hustle Less Club members have access to 1:1 coaching with me at a deeply discounted rate ($300/hour instead of my normal $1,250/hour rate).

What Other Elite Pros Are Saying

Why Learn From Me?

I averaged over $1.17M in annual income the last three years as an active strategic seller with a mid-cap public SaaS company.

In my final four years as a corporate seller, I closed over $50M in total contract value and more than $27M in annual recurring revenue with Fortune 500 level brands.

During this prolific period, I also averaged 7 hours of sleep each night, rode my bikes 2,000+ miles a year, and took more vacations with my wife than any other period of my career.

I have successfully mentored and coached elite sales pros at Salesforce, Google, AWS, Twilio, Gong and other iconic SaaS companies.

I know what it’s like to be in your shoes, from constantly hopping on a plane and jumping time zones to meet with executives, to needing to sell large transformation deals 100% remotely during the pandemic. I discovered a new way to operate that helped me close more and accelerate deals, all while prioritizing my health. I want to share this knowledge with you.

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Commision Check Guarantee

If you're an Enterprise Account Executive or Strategic Account Executive in SaaS and follow these 7 Steps and you don't increase your total commisions within a year of purchase by at least $50,000, I'll give you a 100% refund. No questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This program was initially designed specifically for enterprise and strategic sellers in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry. However, we’ve received tremendously positive feedback from the first cohort of hundreds of diverse professionals. Everyone from SDRs, to sales leaders, sellers in other industries, and even CEOs have praised the system for helping them level up their focus and better harmonize work and life in order to make more and hustle less. If this is your aim too, then this system is for you.

What can I expect from 7 Steps to 7 Figures?

This is more than just an ebook to passively read. It was designed intentionally to be a step-by-step system that you can implement into your work based on where you are in your own career. Implementation is significantly accelerated when bundled with the Make More Hustle Less Club and 1:1 Coaching.

Can I expense this?

Yes! In fact, we’ve pre-written an email template to make it easier to ask your manager.


Hi NAME - I’d like to join Brandon Fluharty’s elite sales performance club and get outside coaching, and was hoping I could expense it. 

$597 initial expense this year (Pro Option). Over 3,000 top sellers in the group from companies like Google Cloud, Salesforce, Twilio, Gong, and AWS. 

Focus of the training is around practical steps to close 7 figure deals while avoiding burnout. 

He’s closed over $50M in less than 4 years w/ Fortune 500 companies. Been following his Linkedin content for a while. 

Confident I can level up with this and share my findings with the team.

Would you mind? 


How long is my access to everything?

With this purchase, you get a link to download lifetime access to the 7 Steps to 7 Figures ebook. When you choose the Intermediate or Pro option, it also includes a one-year subscription and access to the Make More Hustle Less Club.

What are the terms and where do I go for support?

Products will be delivered via links via emails (check the your SPAM folder for onboarding emails). Sorry, no invoices will be provided. Refunds only provided to those that qualify for the Money Back Guarantee listed above. All support inquiries for managing your purchase should be sent to

Choose Your


Option 1 (Basic):

7 Steps to 7 Figures


Option 2 (Intermediate):

7 Steps to 7 Figures

+ MMHL Club Membership


Option 3 (Pro):

7 Steps to 7 Figures

+ MMHL Club Membership

+ 60 mins 1:1 Coaching


Choose Your


Option 1


7 Steps to 7 Figures


Option 2


7 Steps to 7 Figures

+ MMHL Club Membership


Option 3


7 Steps to 7 Figures

+ MMHL Club Membership

+ 60 mins 1:1 Coaching




Payment Options

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After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

7 Steps to Figures - Audiobook

7 Steps to Figures - Audiobook

Add this to get the 7 Steps to 7 Figures audiobook and master strategic selling while in the car, at the gym, or on the plane while traveling to close your biggest deal yet.
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The 7 Figure Open Letter

The 7 Figure Open Letter

Add this to get The 7 Figure Open Letter guide, a creative strategic selling strategy that landed a $5.9M deal with a top 4 major global airline.
[[1200 | currency]] [[2700 | currency]]

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